Employer (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): werkgever
Label (el): Εργοδότης
Label (ur): آجر
Label (ga): fostóir
Label (fr): Employeur
Label (es): Empleador
Label (da): arbejdsgiver
Label (en): Employer
Label (ja): 雇用者
Label (de): Arbeitgeber
Comment (en): a person, business, firm, etc, that employs workers.
Comment (de): Arbeitgeber ist, wer die Arbeitsleistung des Arbeitnehmers kraft Arbeitsvertrages fordern kann und das Arbeitsentgelt schuldet.
Comment (el): άτομο, επιχείρηση, οργανισμός, κλπ που προσλαμβάνει εργαζόμενους.
Comment (ur): آجر وہ ہے جو ملازمت کے معاہدے کی وجہ سے ملازم سے کام کا مطالبہ کر سکتا ہے اور جس پر اجرت واجب الادا ہے۔
Super classes: Agent

Properties on Employer:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
age (edit) age Agent xsd:integer
artPatron (edit) patron (art) Agent Artist An influential, wealthy person who supported an artist, craftsman, a scholar or a noble. . See also
championships (edit) championships Agent xsd:nonNegativeInteger
denomination (edit) denomination Agent owl:Thing Religious denomination of a church, religious school, etc. Examples: Haredi_Judaism, Sunni_Islam, Seventh-day_Adventist_Church, Non-Denominational, Multi-denominational, Non-denominational_Christianity
discipline (edit) discipline Agent owl:Thing
generalCouncil (edit) general council Agent TermOfOffice
hometown (edit) home town Agent Settlement
ideology (edit) ideology Agent Ideology
juniorSeason (edit) junior season Agent owl:Thing
managerSeason (edit) manager season Agent owl:Thing
nationalSelection (edit) national selection Agent owl:Thing
owns (edit) owns Agent Thing Used as if meaning: has property rights over
playerSeason (edit) player season Agent owl:Thing
regionalCouncil (edit) regional council Agent TermOfOffice
roleInEvent (edit) A Person's role in an event Agent Event
season (edit) season Agent owl:Thing