Group (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): groep
Label (el): ομάδα
Label (ur): گروہ
Label (ga): grúpa
Label (fr): groupe
Label (es): grupo
Label (da): gruppe
Label (it): gruppo
Label (en): group
Label (ja): 集団
Label (de): Gruppe
Comment (en): An (informal) group of people.
Comment (fr): un groupe (informel) de personnes.
Comment (el): Μια συνήθως άτυπη ομάδα ανθρώπων.
Comment (ur): لوگوں کا ایک غیر رسمی گروہ
Super classes: Organisationschema:Organization

Properties on Group:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
administrator (edit) administrator Organisation Person
ceo (edit) chief executive officer Organisation Person
chairperson (edit) chairperson Organisation Person
chaplain (edit) chaplain Organisation Person
childOrganisation (edit) child organisation Organisation Organisation
endowment (edit) endowment Organisation Currency
formationDate (edit) formation date Organisation xsd:date same as OntologyProperty:FoundingDate?
formationYear (edit) formation year Organisation xsd:gYear equivalent / sub property of OntologyProperty:foundingYear?
foundationPlace (edit) foundation place Organisation City
headquarter (edit) headquarter Organisation PopulatedPlace
leaderFunction (edit) leaderFunction Organisation PersonFunction
legalForm (edit) legal form Organisation owl:Thing There are many types of business entity defined in the legal systems of various countries. These include corporations, cooperatives, partnerships, sole traders, limited liability company and other specialized types of organization.
locationCity (edit) location city Organisation City City the thing is located.
mainOrgan (edit) main organ Organisation owl:Thing
membership (edit) membership Organisation rdf:langString
mergedWith (edit) merged with Organisation Organisation
numberOfEmployees (edit) number of employees Organisation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfLocations (edit) number of locations Organisation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfStaff (edit) number of staff Organisation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfVolunteers (edit) number of volunteers Organisation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
organisationMember (edit) organisation member Organisation OrganisationMember Identify the members of an organisation.
parentOrganisation (edit) parent organisation Organisation Organisation
product (edit) product Organisation owl:Thing
ranking (edit) ranking Organisation xsd:positiveInteger
regionServed (edit) region served Organisation Place
revenue (edit) revenue Organisation Currency
secretaryGeneral (edit) secretary Organisation Person
service (edit) service Organisation owl:Thing
staff (edit) staff Organisation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
superintendent (edit) superintendent Organisation Person
trustee (edit) trustee Organisation Person