Instrumentalist (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): instrumentalist
Label (el): μουσικός
Label (ur): سازندہ
Label (ga): ionstraimí
Label (fr): instrumentiste
Label (en): instrumentalist
Label (ja): 音楽家
Label (de): Musiker
Comment (el): Ο μουσικός είναι ένα άτομο το οποίο γράφει, ερμηνεύει, ή κάνει μουσική.
Comment (ur): موسیقار وہ شخص ہوتا ہے جو لکھتا ہے، پرفارم کرتا ہے یا موسیقی بناتا ہے۔
Comment (fr): Un instrumentiste est quelqu'un qui joue d'un instrument. Tout instrumentiste non-vocal (incluant guitariste, pianiste, saxophoniste, DJ, musicien divers...). Tout artiste solo qui compose et/ou fait partie d'un groupe.
Comment (nl): Een instrumentalist is een musicus die een muziekinstrument bespeelt. (
Super classes: MusicalArtist

Properties on Instrumentalist:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
musicBand (edit) Music Band MusicalArtist Band
numberOfAlbums (edit) number of albums MusicalArtist xsd:nonNegativeInteger the total number of albums released by the musical artist
numberOfLiveAlbums (edit) number of live albums MusicalArtist xsd:nonNegativeInteger the number of live albums released by the musical artist
numberOfStudioAlbums (edit) number of studio albums MusicalArtist xsd:nonNegativeInteger the number of studio albums released by the musical artist