MouseGeneLocation (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): muisgenoom locatie
Label (ur): چوہے کے نَسبہ کا مقام
Label (en): MouseGeneLocation
Label (ja): マウス遺伝子座
Label (de): Mausgenom Lokation
Super classes: GeneLocation

Properties on MouseGeneLocation:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
geneLocationEnd (edit) gene location end GeneLocation xsd:integer the end of the gene
geneLocationStart (edit) gene location start GeneLocation xsd:integer the start of the gene coordinates
genomeDB (edit) Genome DB GeneLocation xsd:string the edition of the database used (i.e. hg19)
onChromosome (edit) on chromosome GeneLocation xsd:integer the number corresponding to the chromosome on which the gene is located