Synagogue (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pl): synagoga
Label (nl): synagoge
Label (el): συναγωγή
Label (ur): یہودیوں کی عبادت گاہ
Label (ga): sionagóg
Label (fr): synagogue
Label (es): sinagoga
Label (en): synagogue
Label (ja): シナゴーグ
Label (de): Synagoge
Comment (en): A synagogue, sometimes spelt synagog, is a Jewish or Samaritan house of prayer.
Comment (fr): Une synagogue est un lieu de culte juif.
Comment (ur): یہودیوں کی عبادت گاہ، ایک یہودی یا سامری نماز کا گھر ہے۔
Super classes: ReligiousBuilding

Properties on Synagogue:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
bishopric (edit) bishopric ReligiousBuilding owl:Thing A bishopric (diocese or episcopal see) is a district under the supervision of a bishop. It is divided into parishes. Compare with eparchy
cemetery (edit) cemetery ReligiousBuilding Cemetery
eparchy (edit) eparchy ReligiousBuilding owl:Thing Compare with bishopric
organ (edit) organ ReligiousBuilding Organ Name and/or description of the organ
relics (edit) relics ReligiousBuilding xsd:string Physical remains or personal effects of a saint or venerated person, preserved in a religious building