TeamSport (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): teamsport
Label (ur): جماعتی کھیل
Label (fr): sport d'équipe
Label (en): team sport
Label (ja): チームスポーツ
Comment (en): A team sport is commonly defined as a sport that is being played by competing teams
Comment (ur): ایک ٹیم کے کھیل کو عام طور پر ایک کھیل کے طور پر بیان کیا جاتا ہے جو مسابقتی ٹیموں کے ذریعہ کھیلا جاتا ہے
Comment (fr): Un sport d'équipe est défini communément comme un sport pratiqué par des équipes en compétition
Super classes: Sport

Properties on TeamSport:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
currentWorldChampion (edit) current world champion Sport Agent
firstOlympicEvent (edit) first olympic event Sport OlympicEvent
footedness (edit) Footedness Sport Person a preference to put one's left or right foot forward in surfing, wakeboarding, skateboarding, wakeskating, snowboarding and mountainboarding. The term is sometimes applied to the foot a footballer uses to kick.