TramStation (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): tramhalte
Label (ur): ٹرام گاڑی کا اڈا
Label (fr): station de tramway
Label (en): tram station
Label (de): Straßenbahnhaltestelle
Super classes: Station

Properties on TramStation:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
agencyStationCode (edit) agency station code Station xsd:string Agency station code (used on tickets/reservations, etc.).
availableSmartCard (edit) available smart card Station owl:Thing Smartcard for fare payment system for public transit systems that are or will be available at the station.
bicycleInformation (edit) bicycle information Station xsd:string Information on station's bicycle facilities.
canBaggageChecked (edit) can baggage checked Station xsd:boolean Whether bags can be checked.
fareZone (edit) fare zone Station xsd:string The fare zone in which station is located.
isHandicappedAccessible (edit) is handicapped accessible Station xsd:boolean True if the station is handicapped accessible.
numberOfPlatformLevels (edit) number of platform levels Station xsd:integer Number of levels of platforms at the station.
otherServingLines (edit) other serving lines Station xsd:string Connecting services that serve the station such as bus, etc.
parkingInformation (edit) parking information Station xsd:string Information on station's parking facilities.
passengersUsedSystem (edit) passengers used system Station xsd:string System the passengers are using (from which the passenger statistics are).
railwayPlatforms (edit) railway platforms Station xsd:string Information on the type of platform(s) at the station.
servingRailwayLine (edit) serving railway line Station owl:Thing Railway services that serve the station.
stationStructure (edit) station structure Station xsd:string Type of station structure (underground, at-grade, or elevated).
yearOfElectrification (edit) year of electrification Station xsd:gYear Year station was electrified, if not previously at date of opening.