Treadmill (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): Rosmolen
Label (el): Μύλος
Label (ur): ڈھینکلی
Label (en): Treadmill
Label (ja): トレッドミル
Label (de): Tretmühle
Comment (en): A mill driven by the tractive power of horses, donkeys or even people
Comment (ur): گھوڑوں، گدھوں یا یہاں تک کہ لوگوں کی کشش طاقت سے چلنے والی چکی
Super classes: Mill

Properties on Treadmill:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
ableToGrind (edit) able to grind Mill xsd:string
grindingCapability (edit) grinding capability Mill xsd:string grinding capability for Mills
millSpan (edit) mill span Mill Length
millType (edit) mill type Mill owl:Thing
millsCodeBE (edit) mill code BE Mill xsd:string mills code from the Belgian database on mills
millsCodeDutch (edit) mill code NL Mill xsd:string
millsCodeNL (edit) mill code NL Mill xsd:string mills code from the central Dutch database on mills
millsCodeNLVerdwenen (edit) mill dissapeared code NL Mill xsd:string
millsCodeNLWindmotoren (edit) millsCodeNLWindmotoren Mill xsd:string