Tunnel (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): tunnel
Label (el): τούνελ
Label (ko): 터널
Label (ur): سرنگ
Label (ga): tollán
Label (fr): tunnel
Label (en): tunnel
Label (ja): トンネル
Label (de): Tunnel
Comment (el): Ένα τούνελ μπορεί να είναι για πεζούς ή για αυτοκινητόδρομους,για σιδηρόδρομους,ή για κανάλια στο νερό.Μερικά τούνελ είναι υδραγωγεία για να παρέχουν νερό προς κατανάλωση ή για υδροηλεκτικούς σταθμούς ή είναι υπόνομοι.
Comment (ur): ایک سرنگ پیدل یا گاڑیوں کی سڑک کے لیے، ریل ٹریفک کے لیے، یا نہر کے لیے ہو سکتی ہے۔ کچھ سرنگیں پانی کی کھپت یا ہائیڈرو الیکٹرک اسٹیشنوں کے لیے پانی کی فراہمی کے لیے آبی راستے ہیں یا گٹر ہیں
Comment (fr): Un tunnel est une galerie souterraine livrant passage à une voie de communication (chemin de fer, canal, route, chemin piétonnier). Sont apparentés aux tunnels par leur mode de construction les grands ouvrages hydrauliques souterrains, tels que les aqueducs, collecteurs et émissaires destinés soit à l'amenée, soit à l'évacuation des eaux des grands centres et certaines conduites établies en liaison avec les barrages et usines hydro-électriques. (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel).
Comment (en): A tunnel may be for foot or vehicular road traffic, for rail traffic, or for a canal. Some tunnels are aqueducts to supply water for consumption or for hydroelectric stations or are sewers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel).
Comment (de): Ein Tunnel (auch Tunell) ist eine künstliche Passage, die Berge, Gewässer oder andere Hindernisse (in der Regel als Verkehrsweg) unterquert (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel).
Super classes: ArchitecturalStructure

Properties on Tunnel:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
architect (edit) architect ArchitecturalStructure Architect
architectualBureau (edit) architectual bureau ArchitecturalStructure Company
architecturalStyle (edit) architectural style ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing
buildingEndYear (edit) building end year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear
buildingStartYear (edit) building start year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear
construction (edit) construction ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing
constructionMaterial (edit) construction material ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing Construction material (eg. concrete, steel, iron, stone, brick, wood).
currentlyUsedFor (edit) currently used for ArchitecturalStructure xsd:string Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose.
demolitionDate (edit) demolition date ArchitecturalStructure xsd:date The date the building was demolished.
demolitionYear (edit) demolition year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear The year the building was demolished.
features (edit) features ArchitecturalStructure Work
initiallyUsedFor (edit) initally used for ArchitecturalStructure xsd:string Initial use of the architectural structure.
maintainedBy (edit) maintained by ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing
rebuildingDate (edit) rebuilding date ArchitecturalStructure xsd:date
rebuildingYear (edit) rebuilding year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear
reopeningDate (edit) reopening date ArchitecturalStructure xsd:date Date of reopening the architectural structure.
reopeningYear (edit) reopening year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear Year of reopening the architectural structure.
tenant (edit) tenant ArchitecturalStructure Organisation
visitorStatisticsAsOf (edit) visitor statistics as of ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear Year visitor information was gathered.
visitorsPerDay (edit) visitors per day ArchitecturalStructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger
visitorsPerYear (edit) visitors per year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger
visitorsPercentageChange (edit) visitor percentage change ArchitecturalStructure xsd:double Percentage increase or decrease.
visitorsTotal (edit) visitors total ArchitecturalStructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger