Venue (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (el): τόπος συνάντησης
Label (ko): 경기장
Label (ur): پنڈال
Label (ga): ionad
Label (fr): lieu
Label (en): venue
Label (de): Veranstaltungsort
Super classes: Building

Properties on Venue:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
buildingType (edit) buildingType Building owl:Thing Type is too general. We should be able to distinguish types of music from types of architecture
elevatorCount (edit) elevator count Building xsd:nonNegativeInteger
floorArea (edit) floor area Building Area
floorCount (edit) floor count Building xsd:positiveInteger
numberOfRooms (edit) number of rooms Building xsd:nonNegativeInteger
seatingCapacity (edit) seating capacity Building xsd:nonNegativeInteger
security (edit) security Building xsd:string Safety precautions that are used in the building.
space (edit) space Building xsd:nonNegativeInteger
structuralSystem (edit) structural system Building owl:Thing
towerHeight (edit) tower height Building xsd:positiveInteger
workArea (edit) work area Building Area