Windmill (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): Windmolen
Label (el): Ανεμόμυλος
Label (ur): ہوا کی چکی
Label (ga): muileann gaoithe
Label (fr): moulin à vent
Label (es): Molinos de viento
Label (it): mulino a vento
Label (da): vindmølle
Label (en): Windmill
Label (ja): 風車
Label (de): Windmühle
Comment (en): A windmill is a machine that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy by means of vanes called sails
Comment (ur): ہوا کی چکی ایک مشین ہے جو ہوا کی توانائی کو سیل نامی وینز کے ذریعے گردشی توانائی میں تبدیل کرتی ہے
Comment (fr): Le moulin à vent est un dispositif qui transforme l’énergie éolienne (énergie cinétique du vent) en mouvement rotatif au moyen d’ailes ajustables.
Super classes: Mill

Properties on Windmill:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
ableToGrind (edit) able to grind Mill xsd:string
grindingCapability (edit) grinding capability Mill xsd:string grinding capability for Mills
millSpan (edit) mill span Mill Length
millType (edit) mill type Mill owl:Thing
millsCodeBE (edit) mill code BE Mill xsd:string mills code from the Belgian database on mills
millsCodeDutch (edit) mill code NL Mill xsd:string
millsCodeNL (edit) mill code NL Mill xsd:string mills code from the central Dutch database on mills
millsCodeNLVerdwenen (edit) mill dissapeared code NL Mill xsd:string
millsCodeNLWindmotoren (edit) millsCodeNLWindmotoren Mill xsd:string