Mapping Statistics for sl

20.15 % of all templates in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (110 of 546).

4.82 % of all properties in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (1484 of 30784).

55.59 % of all template occurrences in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (64038 of 115190).

23.69 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (264803 of 1117624).

The color codes:
template is mapped with more than 80%
template is mapped with more than 40%
template is mapped with less than 40%
template is not mapped
template mapping must be renamed
template is on the ignorelist (is not an infobox that contains relevant properties)

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occurrences template (with link to property statistics) num properties mapped properties (%) num property occurrences mapped property occurrences (%) num properties not found
19068 Infopolje Oseba
NOTE: the mapping for Infopolje Biografija is redundant!
Edit 125 34.40 16610 94.16 1
7024 Infopolje Vojaška oseba
Edit 49 30.61 35232 80.42 2
6752 Infopolje Naselje na Hrvaškem
Edit 12 0.00 24062 0.00 108
5993 Infopolje Naselje v Sloveniji
Edit 68 13.24 101707 46.98 99
4675 Infopolje Naselje v Srbiji
Edit 13 0.00 18567 0.00 0
4658 Popis-prebivalstva-Srbija
Edit 16 0.00 41967 0.00 0
4657 Odstotkovni grafikon
Edit 7 0.00 18628 0.00 0
4645 Piramidni grafikon
Edit 13 0.00 18574 0.00 0
3853 Infopolje Vojaška enota
Edit 34 67.65 35404 88.35 24
3250 Infopolje Francoska občina
Edit 66 16.67 61332 19.62 11
3136 Infopolje Naselje na Madžarskem
Edit 27 0.00 15680 0.00 0
2112 Taksonomka
Edit 158 0.00 26143 0.00 0
1973 S-polje
Edit 8 0.00 7814 0.00 0
1847 Osebno ime
Edit 6 0.00 2117 0.00 0
1726 Infopolje Hokejist
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Ice Hockey Player is redundant!
Edit 112 24.11 22101 57.64 3
1336 Infopolje Tip zrakoplova
Edit 19 0.00 10700 0.00 0
1283 Infobox U-Boat
Edit 25 0.00 15133 0.00 0
1256 SloBio
Edit 4 0.00 5009 0.00 0
1253 Infopolje Naselje v Črni gori
Edit 31 0.00 2590 0.00 0
1241 Infopolje Dirka za VN
Edit 98 23.47 35459 77.07 3

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