Statistics for template Infobox Ort in Indien and its DBpedia mapping

43.48 % properties are mapped ( 10 of 23 ).

69.03 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( de ) are mapped ( 4816 of 6977 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
na lat_min
na lat_sec
na lon_deg
na lon_min
na lon_sec
1008 Name
967 Einwohner
956 Zensus
882 Höhe
609 lat_deg
600 Bild1
549 Bild1_Beschreibung
410 Breitengrad
410 Längengrad
348 Fläche
85 Agglomeration
85 Agglomeration_Stand
39 Postleitzahl
15 Sub-Distrikt
6 Einwohner_Quelle
5 Distrikt
1 Agglomeration_Quelle
1 Bundesstaat
1 Website
0 Positionskarte
0 Unionsterritorium