0.00 % properties are mapped ( 0 of 19 ).
0.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( fr ) are mapped ( 0 of 28 ).
property is mapped |
property is not mapped |
property is mapped but not found in the template definition |
property is ignored |
occurrences | property |
2 | catégorie |
2 | compétition |
2 | court |
2 | date |
2 | lieu |
2 | légende |
2 | score |
2 | stade |
2 | surface |
2 | vaincu |
2 | vainqueur |
1 | affluence |
1 | arbitre |
1 | nom |
1 | tour |
1 | upright |
1 | édition |
0 | durée |
0 | image |