OlympicEvent (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): Olympisch evenement
Label (el): ολυμπικακό γεγονός
Label (ur): اولمپک کھیلوں کی تقریب
Label (fr): événement olympique
Label (en): olympic event
Label (de): olympische Veranstaltung
Super classes: Olympics

Properties on OlympicEvent:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
numberOfNewlyIntroducedSports (edit) number of newly introduced sports Olympics xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfParticipatingAthletes (edit) number of participating athletes Olympics xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfParticipatingFemaleAthletes (edit) number of participating female athletes Olympics xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfParticipatingMaleAthletes (edit) number of participating male athletes Olympics xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfParticipatingNations (edit) number of participating nations Olympics xsd:nonNegativeInteger
officialOpenedBy (edit) official opened by Olympics Person
olympicOathSwornBy (edit) olympic oath sworn by Olympics Person
olympicOathSwornByAthlete (edit) olympic oath sworn by athlete Olympics Person
olympicOathSwornByJudge (edit) olympic oath sworn by judge Olympics Person
torchBearer (edit) torch bearer Olympics Person