Statistics for template Infobox Protein and its DBpedia mapping

16.28 % properties are mapped ( 7 of 43 ).

20.59 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( de ) are mapped ( 3054 of 14831 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
1304 Groesse
1172 UniProt
1020 Symbol
999 OMIM
985 HGNCid
766 Name
651 Bild
599 EC-Nummer
597 Bild_legende
559 Homolog_db
544 Kategorie
519 Struktur
510 Substrat
470 Produkte
451 PDB
420 Homolog_fam
370 MGIid
361 AltSymbols
350 Isoformen
335 Reaktionsart
310 Andere Namen
272 GeneCards
266 Kofaktor
237 CAS
214 Taxon
120 TCDB
110 Precursor
98 TranspText
88 DrugBank
62 Peptidase_fam
25 Wirkstoffklasse
14 CASergänzend
14 Inhibitor_fam
11 Taxon_Ausnahme
5 ATC-Code
1 Homolog_url
1 Orthologe
0 Bild2
0 Bild_legende2
0 MoreEC1
0 MoreEC2
0 MoreEC3