Statistics for template Infobox Chinese namen and its DBpedia mapping

5.80 % properties are mapped ( 4 of 69 ).

7.06 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( nl ) are mapped ( 1039 of 14717 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
2070 TChinees
1824 VChinees
1703 Pinyin
1383 Jyut
1068 Kantonees
784 HK-rom
619 afbeelding
590 Anders
484 Yale
478 WGiles
453 Zhuyin
446 Dapeng
414 letterl
354 Eng
354 onderschrift
271 Minnan
205 Hkhakka
130 twhakka
127 Meixian
106 Baohakka
103 Waitau
91 Sjang
83 Mindong
70 Viet
40 Tongyong
38 Dongguan
37 Kor
36 Familienaam
30 Persoonlijke naam
28 Sich
27 Chaozhou
23 Mong
23 Persoonsnaam
17 Oei
17 Zhuang
15 Omgangsnaam
13 Taishan
13 Thai
13 Tib
12 GR
11 Rus
11 imagesize
9 Mongcyr
8 Tibwyl
7 Arab
7 Mantsj
6 Jaartitel(s)
6 Jap
6 Postume naam
6 Xiao
6 Xinhui
5 Kaiping
5 Kaz
5 Tempelnaam
4 Mongipa
4 Tibpin
3 Bijnaam
3 Gan
3 Kirg
3 Mongpin
3 Tibipa
2 kop
1 Hanja
1 Romaji
0 Artistieke naam
0 Miao
0 Peng'im
0 Xiang
0 caption