Statistics for template Chembox-lat and its DBpedia mapping

8.09 % properties are mapped ( 11 of 136 ).

53.49 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( sr ) are mapped ( 16057 of 30019 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
7396 Name
7072 IUPACName_hidden
6832 ImageFile
1419 ImageFile1
1386 verifiedrevid
877 IUPACName
778 ImageFileR1
777 ImageFileL1
695 OtherNames
604 ImageFile2
599 ImageSize
262 ImageName
131 ImageSize1
127 ImageSizeL1
124 ImageSizeR1
98 ImageName1
94 ImageNameL1
94 ImageNameR1
83 ImageFileL2
82 ImageFileR2
82 ImageSize2
71 SystematicName
51 ImageFile3
39 ImageName2
38 Watchedfields
32 PIN
18 ImageSizeR2
17 ImageAlt
17 ImageSizeL2
16 ImageAlt1
12 ImageCaption1
10 ImageCaption
10 ImageCaption2
10 ImageNameL2
10 ImageNameR2
8 InChI
6 ImageAltL1
6 ImageAltR1
6 ImageSize3
4 ImageName3
3 Verifiedfields
2 ImageAlt2
2 Section1
1 ImageAlt3
1 ImageAltL2
1 ImageAltR2
1 ImageCaption3
1 ImageCaptionL1
1 ImageCaptionR1
1 MolarMass
1 Section2
1 Section4
1 width
0 AtmosphericOHRateConstant
0 BoilingPt
0 BoxWidth
0 DeltaHc
0 DeltaHf
0 Density
0 Formula
0 HenryConstant
0 IUPHAR_ligand
0 ImageAlt4
0 ImageAltL3
0 ImageAltL4
0 ImageAltR3
0 ImageAltR4
0 ImageCaptionL2
0 ImageCaptionL3
0 ImageCaptionL4
0 ImageCaptionR2
0 ImageCaptionR3
0 ImageCaptionR4
0 ImageFile1_Ref
0 ImageFile2_Ref
0 ImageFile3_Ref
0 ImageFile4
0 ImageFile4_Ref
0 ImageFileL1_Ref
0 ImageFileL2_Ref
0 ImageFileL3
0 ImageFileL3_Ref
0 ImageFileL4
0 ImageFileL4_Ref
0 ImageFileR1_Ref
0 ImageFileR2_Ref
0 ImageFileR3
0 ImageFileR3_Ref
0 ImageFileR4
0 ImageFileR4_Ref
0 ImageFile_Ref
0 ImageName4
0 ImageNameL3
0 ImageNameL4
0 ImageNameR3
0 ImageNameR4
0 ImageSize4
0 ImageSizeL3
0 ImageSizeL4
0 ImageSizeR3
0 ImageSizeR4
0 ImageStyleL1
0 ImageStyleL2
0 ImageStyleL3
0 ImageStyleL4
0 ImageStyleR1
0 ImageStyleR2
0 ImageStyleR3
0 ImageStyleR4
0 IsoelectricPt
0 LogP
0 MeltingPt
0 PIN_hidden
0 PubChem
0 Reference
0 Section10
0 Section11
0 Section12
0 Section13
0 Section14
0 Section15
0 Section3
0 Section5
0 Section6
0 Section7
0 Section8
0 Section9
0 Solubility
0 Solvent
0 VaporPressure
0 pKa
0 pKb