AutomobileEngine (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pt): motor de automóvel
Label (nl): automotor
Label (el): κινητήρας αυτοκινήτου
Label (ko): 자동차 엔진
Label (ur): موٹر گاڑی کا انجن
Label (ga): inneall gluaisteáin
Label (fr): moteur d'automobile
Label (it): motore d'automobile
Label (en): automobile engine
Label (ja): 内燃機関
Label (de): Fahrzeugmotor
Super classes: Engine

Properties on AutomobileEngine:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
acceleration (edit) acceleration AutomobileEngine Time
automobileModel (edit) automobile model AutomobileEngine xsd:string
blockAlloy (edit) block alloy AutomobileEngine owl:Thing
co2Emission (edit) CO2 emission AutomobileEngine LinearMassDensity
compressionRatio (edit) compression ratio AutomobileEngine xsd:string
configuration (edit) configuration AutomobileEngine engineConfiguration
coolingSystem (edit) cooling system AutomobileEngine owl:Thing
cylinderBore (edit) cylinder bore AutomobileEngine Length
displacement (edit) displacement AutomobileEngine Volume
endYearOfInsertion (edit) end year of insertion AutomobileEngine xsd:gYear
fuelConsumption (edit) fuel consumption AutomobileEngine xsd:string
fuelSystem (edit) fuel system AutomobileEngine owl:Thing
headAlloy (edit) head alloy AutomobileEngine owl:Thing
note (edit) note AutomobileEngine xsd:string
oilSystem (edit) oil system AutomobileEngine owl:Thing
pistonStroke (edit) piston stroke AutomobileEngine Length
powerOutput (edit) power output Engine Power
redline (edit) redline AutomobileEngine Speed
startYearOfInsertion (edit) start year of insertion AutomobileEngine xsd:gYear
torqueOutput (edit) torque output AutomobileEngine Torque
valvetrain (edit) valvetrain AutomobileEngine valvetrain