College (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pt): faculdade
Label (nl): college
Label (el): κολέγιο
Label (ko): 단과대학
Label (ur): مدرسہ
Label (ga): coláiste
Label (fr): université
Label (es): universidad
Label (en): college
Label (ja): 単科大学
Label (de): College
Super classes: EducationalInstitutionschema:CollegeOrUniversity

Properties on College:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
actingHeadteacher (edit) acting headteacher EducationalInstitution Person
alumni (edit) alumni EducationalInstitution Person
assistantPrincipal (edit) assistant principal EducationalInstitution owl:Thing
brinCode (edit) BRIN code EducationalInstitution xsd:string The code used by the Dutch Ministry of Education to identify a school (as an organisation)
campusType (edit) campus type EducationalInstitution rdf:langString
closed (edit) closed EducationalInstitution xsd:date
custodian (edit) custodian EducationalInstitution Person
dean (edit) dean EducationalInstitution Person
educationSystem (edit) education system EducationalInstitution owl:Thing
facultySize (edit) faculty size EducationalInstitution xsd:nonNegativeInteger number of faculty members
head (edit) head EducationalInstitution Person
nationalRanking (edit) national ranking EducationalInstitution xsd:positiveInteger
numberOfAcademicStaff (edit) number of academic staff EducationalInstitution xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfGraduateStudents (edit) number of graduate students EducationalInstitution xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfStudents (edit) number of students EducationalInstitution xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfUndergraduateStudents (edit) number of undergraduate students EducationalInstitution xsd:nonNegativeInteger
offeredClasses (edit) offered classes EducationalInstitution xsd:string
officialSchoolColour (edit) official school colour EducationalInstitution xsd:string The official colour of the EducationalInstitution represented by the colour name (e.g.: red or green).
principal (edit) principal EducationalInstitution Person Principal of an educational institution (school)
rector (edit) rector EducationalInstitution Person
sisterCollege (edit) sister college College College