GrandPrix (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): grand prix
Label (el): γκραν πρι
Label (ur): موٹر کار کی دوڑ
Label (ga): Grand Prix
Label (fr): grand prix
Label (it): gran premio
Label (en): Grand Prix
Label (ja): グランプリ
Label (de): grosser Preis
Super classes: SportsEvent

Properties on GrandPrix:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
bronzeMedalist (edit) bronze medalist SportsEvent Person
champion (edit) champion SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition
championInDouble (edit) champion in double SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the double session (as in tennis)
championInDoubleFemale (edit) champion in double female SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the female double session (as in tennis)
championInDoubleMale (edit) champion in double male SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the male double session (as in tennis)
championInMixedDouble (edit) champion in mixed double SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the mixed double session (as in tennis)
championInSingle (edit) champion in single SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the single session, to distinguish from the double session (as in tennis)
championInSingleFemale (edit) champion in single female SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the single female session, to distinguish from the double session (as in tennis)
championInSingleMale (edit) champion in single male SportsEvent Athlete winner of a competition in the single male session, to distinguish from the double session (as in tennis)
course (edit) course GrandPrix Length
distanceLaps (edit) distance laps GrandPrix xsd:nonNegativeInteger
fastestDriver (edit) fastest driver GrandPrix Person
fastestDriverCountry (edit) fastest driver country GrandPrix Country
fastestDriverTeam (edit) fastest driver team GrandPrix SportsTeam
firstDriver (edit) first driver GrandPrix Person
firstDriverCountry (edit) first driver country GrandPrix Country
firstDriverTeam (edit) winning team GrandPrix SportsTeam
goldMedalist (edit) gold medalist SportsEvent Person
medalist (edit) medalist SportsEvent Person
mostSuccessfulPlayer (edit) most successful player SportsEvent Athlete the best player in a certain sport competition. E.g, in a football competition, the player that scored more goals.
poleDriver (edit) pole driver GrandPrix Person
poleDriverCountry (edit) pole driver country GrandPrix Country
poleDriverTeam (edit) pole driver team GrandPrix SportsTeam
raceTrack (edit) race track SportsEvent RaceTrack
secondDriver (edit) second driver GrandPrix Person
secondDriverCountry (edit) second driver country GrandPrix Country
secondTeam (edit) second team GrandPrix SportsTeam
silverMedalist (edit) siler medalist SportsEvent Person
thirdDriver (edit) third driver GrandPrix Person
thirdDriverCountry (edit) third driver country GrandPrix Country
thirdTeam (edit) third team GrandPrix SportsTeam