Infrastructure (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): infrastructure
Label (el): Υποδομή
Label (ur): بنیادی ڈھانچہ
Label (fr): infrastructure
Label (da): infrastruktur
Label (en): infrastructure
Label (ja): インフラストラクチャー
Label (de): Infrastruktur
Super classes: ArchitecturalStructure

Properties on Infrastructure:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
architect (edit) architect ArchitecturalStructure Architect
architectualBureau (edit) architectual bureau ArchitecturalStructure Company
architecturalStyle (edit) architectural style ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing
buildingEndYear (edit) building end year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear
buildingStartYear (edit) building start year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear
caterer (edit) caterer Infrastructure Caterer
construction (edit) construction ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing
constructionMaterial (edit) construction material ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing Construction material (eg. concrete, steel, iron, stone, brick, wood).
currentlyUsedFor (edit) currently used for ArchitecturalStructure xsd:string Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose.
demolitionDate (edit) demolition date ArchitecturalStructure xsd:date The date the building was demolished.
demolitionYear (edit) demolition year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear The year the building was demolished.
features (edit) features ArchitecturalStructure Work
iataLocationIdentifier (edit) IATA Location Identifier Infrastructure xsd:string
initiallyUsedFor (edit) initally used for ArchitecturalStructure xsd:string Initial use of the architectural structure.
maintainedBy (edit) maintained by ArchitecturalStructure owl:Thing
numberOfTracks (edit) number of tracks Infrastructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of tracks of a railway or railway station.
passengersPerDay (edit) passengers per day Infrastructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of passengers per day.
passengersPerYear (edit) passengers per year Infrastructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of passengers per year.
previousInfrastructure (edit) previous infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
rebuildingDate (edit) rebuilding date ArchitecturalStructure xsd:date
rebuildingYear (edit) rebuilding year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear
reopeningDate (edit) reopening date ArchitecturalStructure xsd:date Date of reopening the architectural structure.
reopeningYear (edit) reopening year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear Year of reopening the architectural structure.
road (edit) road Infrastructure Road
subsequentInfrastructure (edit) subsequent infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
tenant (edit) tenant ArchitecturalStructure Organisation
visitorStatisticsAsOf (edit) visitor statistics as of ArchitecturalStructure xsd:gYear Year visitor information was gathered.
visitorsPerDay (edit) visitors per day ArchitecturalStructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger
visitorsPerYear (edit) visitors per year ArchitecturalStructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger
visitorsPercentageChange (edit) visitor percentage change ArchitecturalStructure xsd:double Percentage increase or decrease.
visitorsTotal (edit) visitors total ArchitecturalStructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger