Sales (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): verkoop
Label (el): εκπτώσεις
Label (ur): فروخت
Label (ga): díolacháin
Label (fr): vente
Label (en): sales
Label (ja): 販売
Label (de): Vertrieb
Super classes: Activity

Properties on Sales:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
endYearOfSales (edit) end year of sales Sales xsd:gYear
equipment (edit) equipment Activity owl:Thing
model (edit) model Sales xsd:string
numberOfClubs (edit) number of clubs Activity xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfPeopleLicensed (edit) number of licensed Activity xsd:nonNegativeInteger nombre de personnes ayant une license pour pratiquer cette activité
numberOfPlayers (edit) number of players Activity xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfProfessionals (edit) number of professionals Activity xsd:nonNegativeInteger number of people who earns his living from a specified activity.
numberSold (edit) number sold Sales xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of things (eg vehicles) sold
startYearOfSales (edit) start year of sales Sales xsd:gYear
usSales (edit) US sales Sales xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of things (eg vehicles) sold in the US