WrittenWork (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): geschreven werk
Label (ur): تحریری کام
Label (ga): obair scríofa
Label (fr): travail écrit
Label (es): obra escrita
Label (da): skriftligt værk
Label (en): written work
Label (de): geschriebenes Erzeugnis
Comment (en): Written work is any text written to read it (e.g.: books, newspaper, articles)
Comment (fr): Un travail écrit est tout texte écrit destiné à être lu (ex. : livres, journaux, articles, document)
Comment (ur): تحریری کام کسی بھی متن کو پڑھنے کے لیے لکھا جاتا ہے (مثال کے طور پر: کتابیں ، اخبار ، مضامین)
Comment (de): Ein geschriebenes Erzeugnis ist jede Art von Text der geschrieben wurde um ihn zu lesen (z.B. Bücher, Zeitungen, Artikel).
Super classes: Work

Properties on WrittenWork:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
alternativeTitle (edit) alternative title Work rdf:langString The alternative title attributed to a work
author (edit) author Work Person
basedOn (edit) based on Work Work
bibo:pages (edit) pages Work xsd:string Potentially non-contiguous page spans that locate a Document within a Collection. Example: 23-25, 34, 54-56, iii-iv. Applies to Work (eg WrittenWork, Document, etc)
chiefEditor (edit) chief editor Work Person
circulation (edit) circulation WrittenWork xsd:nonNegativeInteger
cites (edit) cites Work xsd:string A document cited by this work. Like OntologyProperty:dct:references, but as a datatype property.
coden (edit) CODEN WrittenWork xsd:string CODEN is a six character, alphanumeric bibliographic code, that provides concise, unique and unambiguous identification of the titles of serials and non-serial publications from all subject areas.
commissioner (edit) commissioner Work xsd:string
completionDate (edit) completion date Work xsd:date
composer (edit) composer Work Person
coverArtist (edit) cover artist Work Person Cover artist
dc:publisher (edit) publisher Work xsd:string Publisher of a work. For literal (string) use dc:publisher; for object (URL) use publisher
dcc (edit) Dewey Decimal Classification Work xsd:string The Dewey Decimal Classification is a proprietary system of library classification developed by Melvil Dewey in 1876.
dct:references (edit) references Work owl:Thing
dct:source (edit) source Work owl:Thing
dutchPPNCode (edit) Dutch PPN code WrittenWork xsd:string Dutch PPN code is a library cataloguing code for collection items (books, journals and the like).
fileSize (edit) size Work InformationUnit size of a file or software
filename (edit) filename Work xsd:string
filmVersion (edit) film version WrittenWork Film
firstPublicationDate (edit) first publication date WrittenWork xsd:date Date of the first publication.
firstPublisher (edit) first publisher WrittenWork Agent
illustrator (edit) illustrator WrittenWork Person Illustrator (where used throughout and a major feature)
isbn (edit) ISBN WrittenWork xsd:string The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code.
lastPublicationDate (edit) last publication date WrittenWork xsd:date Date of the last publication.
lcc (edit) LCC WrittenWork xsd:string The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) is a system of library classification developed by the Library of Congress.
lccn (edit) LCCN WrittenWork xsd:string The Library of Congress Control Number or LCCN is a serially based system of numbering cataloging records in the Library of Congress in the United States. It has nothing to do with the contents of any book, and should not be confused with Library of Congress Classification.
license (edit) license Work owl:Thing
literaryGenre (edit) literary genre WrittenWork owl:Thing A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length.
magazine (edit) magazine WrittenWork Magazine
mainCharacter (edit) main character Work Person
mediaType (edit) media type WrittenWork owl:Thing Print / On-line (then binding types etc. if relevant)
musicComposer (edit) music composer Work MusicalArtist
narrator (edit) narrator Work Person
nextTrackNumber (edit) number of the next track Work xsd:nonNegativeInteger number of the next track in the recorded work.
nonFictionSubject (edit) non-fiction subject WrittenWork owl:Thing The subject of a non-fiction book (e.g.: History, Biography, Cookbook, Climate change, ...).
numberOfPages (edit) number of pages WrittenWork xsd:positiveInteger The books number of pages.
numberOfVolumes (edit) number of volumes WrittenWork xsd:nonNegativeInteger
oclc (edit) OCLC WrittenWork xsd:string Online Computer Library Center number
originalLanguage (edit) original language Work Language The original language of the work.
originalNotLatinTitle (edit) titre original non latin Work rdf:langString The original non latin title of the work
originalTitle (edit) original title Work rdf:langString The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well
otherWorks (edit) other works Work WorkSequence Tells about existence of other works.
prefaceBy (edit) author of preface WrittenWork Person
previousTrackNumber (edit) number of the previous track Work xsd:nonNegativeInteger number of the previous track of the recorded work.
previousWork (edit) previous work Work Work
previousWorkDate (edit) previous work date Work year Year when previous work was released
producer (edit) producer Work Agent The producer of the creative work.
productionCompany (edit) production company Work Company the company that produced the work e.g. Film, MusicalWork, Software
publisher (edit) publisher Work Agent Publisher of a work. For literal (string) use dc:publisher; for object (URL) use publisher
releaseLocation (edit) release location Work Place Usually used with releaseDate, particularly for Films. Often there can be several pairs so our modeling is not precise here...
runtime (edit) runtime Work Time
skos:notation (edit) notation Work xsd:string
starring (edit) starring Work Actor
subjectTerm (edit) subject term Work xsd:string The subject as a term, possibly a term from a formal classification
subsequentWork (edit) subsequent work Work Work
subsequentWorkDate (edit) subsequent work date Work year Year when subsequent work is released
translator (edit) translator Work Person Translator(s), if original not in English
writer (edit) auteur Work Person