Bridge (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pt): ponte
Label (nl): brug
Label (el): γέφυρα
Label (ko): 다리
Label (ur): پل
Label (ga): droichead
Label (fr): pont
Label (it): ponte
Label (da): bro
Label (sl): most
Label (en): bridge
Label (ja):
Label (de): Brücke
Label (bn): সেতু
Comment (en): A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle (
Comment (ur): ایک پل ایک ایسا ڈھانچہ ہے جو جسمانی رکاوٹوں جیسے پانی ، وادی یا سڑک کی راہ میں رکاوٹ کو عبور کرنے کے مقصد سے بنایا گیا ہے
Super classes: RouteOfTransportation

Properties on Bridge:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
bridgeCarries (edit) bridge carries Bridge xsd:string Type of vehicles the bridge carries.
crosses (edit) crosses Bridge River
lengthReference (edit) length reference RouteOfTransportation xsd:string
lineLength (edit) line length RouteOfTransportation Length Length of the line. Wikipedians usually do not differentiate between track length and line lenght.
loadLimit (edit) load limit Bridge Mass Load limit of the bridge.
mainspan (edit) mainspan Bridge Length
numberOfLanes (edit) number of lanes RouteOfTransportation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfPiersInWater (edit) number of piers in water Bridge xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions.
numberOfSpans (edit) number of spans Bridge xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of spans or arches.
numberOfStations (edit) number of stations RouteOfTransportation xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of stations or stops.
railGauge (edit) rail gauge RouteOfTransportation Length
railwayRollingStock (edit) railway rolling stock RouteOfTransportation owl:Thing
routeDirection (edit) route direction RouteOfTransportation xsd:string The general direction of the route (eg. North-South).
routeEnd (edit) route end RouteOfTransportation Station End of the route. This is where the route ends and, for U.S. roads, is either at the northern terminus or eastern terminus.
routeEndDirection (edit) road end direction RouteOfTransportation xsd:string End of the route. The opposite of OntologyProperty:routeStartDirection.
routeEndLocation (edit) route end location RouteOfTransportation Place The end location of the route.
routeJunction (edit) route junction RouteOfTransportation Station A junction or cross to another route.
routeNumber (edit) route number RouteOfTransportation xsd:string The number of the route.
routeStart (edit) route start RouteOfTransportation Station Start of the route. This is where the route begins and, for U.S. roads, is either at the southern terminus or western terminus.
routeStartDirection (edit) road start direction RouteOfTransportation xsd:string End of the route. For U.S. roads, this should be either "South" or "West" per the standards set by the U.S. Roads project.
routeStartLocation (edit) route start location RouteOfTransportation Place The start location of the route.
routeTypeAbbreviation (edit) route type abbreviation RouteOfTransportation xsd:string The route type abbreviation (eg.: I for Interstate, M for Motorway or NJ for New Jersey Route).
speedLimit (edit) speed limit RouteOfTransportation Speed
toll (edit) toll RouteOfTransportation Currency
trackLength (edit) track length RouteOfTransportation Length Length of the track. Wikipedians usually do not differentiate between track length and line lenght.
trackWidth (edit) track width RouteOfTransportation Length Width of the track, e.g., the track width differing in Russia from (Western and Middle) European track width
typeOfElectrification (edit) type of electrification RouteOfTransportation owl:Thing Electrification system (e.g. Third rail, Overhead catenary).
unitedStatesNationalBridgeId (edit) United States National Bridge ID Bridge xsd:string
vehiclesPerDay (edit) vehicles per day RouteOfTransportation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
voltageOfElectrification (edit) voltage of electrification RouteOfTransportation Voltage Voltage of the electrification system.