Label (pt): | artista musical | ||
Label (nl): | muziekartiest | ||
Label (el): | μουσικός | ||
Label (ko): | 음악가 | ||
Label (ur): | موسیقی کا فنکار | ||
Label (am): | የሙዚቃ አርቲስት | ||
Label (fr): | musicien | ||
Label (en): | musical artist | ||
Label (ja): | 音楽家 | ||
Label (de): | musikalischer Künstler | ||
Super classes: | Artist | schema:MusicGroup | dul:NaturalPerson |
Name | Label | Domain | Range | Comment |
academyAward (edit) | Academy Award | Artist | Award | |
afiAward (edit) | AFI Award | Artist | Award | |
artistFunction (edit) | artist function | Artist | xsd:string | Artist function: vocal, group, instrumentalist, compositor... |
associatedAct (edit) | associated act | Artist | Artist | |
baftaAward (edit) | BAFTA Award | Artist | Award | |
cesarAward (edit) | Cesar Award | Artist | Award | |
disciple (edit) | disciple | Artist | Artist | A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others.. |
dutchRKDCode (edit) | Dutch RKD code | Artist | xsd:string | |
emmyAward (edit) | Emmy Award | Artist | Award | |
field (edit) | field | Artist | owl:Thing | |
filmFareAward (edit) | Film Fare Award | Artist | Award | |
gaudiAward (edit) | Gaudí Award | Artist | Award | Awards of the Catalan Academy of Cinema |
goldenGlobeAward (edit) | Golden Globe Award | Artist | Award | |
goyaAward (edit) | Goya Award | Artist | Award | |
grammyAward (edit) | Grammy Award | Artist | Award | |
instrument (edit) | instrument | Artist | Instrument | |
mentor (edit) | mentor | Artist | Artist | A wise and trusted counselor or teacher |
movement (edit) | movement | Artist | owl:Thing | artistic movement or school with which artist is associated |
musicBand (edit) | Music Band | MusicalArtist | Band | |
numberOfAlbums (edit) | number of albums | MusicalArtist | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | the total number of albums released by the musical artist |
numberOfLiveAlbums (edit) | number of live albums | MusicalArtist | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | the number of live albums released by the musical artist |
numberOfStudioAlbums (edit) | number of studio albums | MusicalArtist | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | the number of studio albums released by the musical artist |
polishFilmAward (edit) | Polish Film Award | Artist | Award | |
style (edit) | style | Artist | owl:Thing | |
tonyAward (edit) | Tony Award | Artist | Award | |
training (edit) | training | Artist | EducationalInstitution | |
voiceType (edit) | voice type | Artist | owl:Thing | voice type of a singer or an actor |