YearInSpaceflight (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): vliegjaren
Label (ur): خلائی پرواز میں سال
Label (fr): année de vols spatiaux
Label (es): año del vuelo espacial
Label (en): year in spaceflight
Label (de): Zeitraum Raumflug
Super classes: TimePeriod

Properties on YearInSpaceflight:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
countryWithFirstAstronaut (edit) country with first astronaut YearInSpaceflight Country
countryWithFirstSatellite (edit) country with first satellite YearInSpaceflight Country
countryWithFirstSatelliteLaunched (edit) country with first satellite launched YearInSpaceflight Country
countryWithFirstSpaceflight (edit) country with first spaceflight YearInSpaceflight Country
end (edit) end TimePeriod xsd:date
firstLaunch (edit) first launch YearInSpaceflight xsd:date
lastLaunch (edit) last launch YearInSpaceflight xsd:date
maidenFlightRocket (edit) maiden flight rocket YearInSpaceflight Rocket
orbitalFlights (edit) orbital flights YearInSpaceflight xsd:nonNegativeInteger
retiredRocket (edit) retired rocket YearInSpaceflight Rocket
start (edit) start TimePeriod xsd:date
suborbitalFlights (edit) suborbital flights YearInSpaceflight xsd:nonNegativeInteger
totalTravellers (edit) total travellers YearInSpaceflight xsd:nonNegativeInteger