Mapping Statistics for lv

14.38 % of all templates in Wikipedia (lv) are mapped (66 of 459).

2.24 % of all properties in Wikipedia (lv) are mapped (537 of 23994).

67.85 % of all template occurrences in Wikipedia (lv) are mapped (33095 of 48775).

35.31 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia (lv) are mapped (249991 of 708031).

The color codes:
template is mapped with more than 80%
template is mapped with more than 40%
template is mapped with less than 40%
template is not mapped
template mapping must be renamed
template is on the ignorelist (is not an infobox that contains relevant properties)

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occurrences template (with link to property statistics) num properties mapped properties (%) num property occurrences mapped property occurrences (%) num properties not found
6318 Apdzīvotas vietas infokaste
Edit 422 8.29 167483 57.90 8
2943 Personas infokaste
Edit 34 41.18 33468 46.11 0
2773 BioTakso infokaste
Edit 213 9.86 51648 72.53 0
1850 Valsts amatpersonas infokaste
Edit 271 2.58 20066 40.21 2
1617 Amatu secība
Edit 4 0.00 6243 0.00 0
1417 Mūzikas izpildītāja infokaste
Edit 28 7.14 13572 19.42 0
1111 Hokejista infokaste
Edit 175 4.57 16388 43.47 0
1080 Administratīvā iedalījuma vienības infokaste
Edit 280 0.71 23168 5.48 0
917 Aktiera infokaste
Edit 55 3.64 6462 23.12 0
892 Latvijas novada infokaste
Edit 44 27.27 10507 56.55 0
828 Zinātnieka infokaste
Edit 37 40.54 12315 59.02 0
799 Filmas infokaste
Edit 31 51.61 10290 51.84 0
789 Olimpisko spēļu saite
Edit 6 0.00 1048 0.00 0
757 Rakstnieka infokaste
Edit 30 20.00 8876 38.23 3
725 Ezera infokaste
Edit 119 8.40 13180 48.20 0
656 Albuma infokaste
Edit 99 9.09 8166 55.85 0
593 Futbolista infokaste
Edit 382 0.26 20907 0.95 0
591 Atsauce
Edit 136 0.00 1456 0.00 0
586 Kosmiskā aparāta infokaste
Edit 50 10.00 12468 13.72 0
567 Upes infokaste
Edit 71 7.04 13764 18.76 0

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