Mapping Statistics for sl

20.15 % of all templates in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (110 of 546).

4.82 % of all properties in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (1484 of 30784).

55.59 % of all template occurrences in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (64038 of 115190).

23.69 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia (sl) are mapped (264803 of 1117624).

The color codes:
template is mapped with more than 80%
template is mapped with more than 40%
template is mapped with less than 40%
template is not mapped
template mapping must be renamed
template is on the ignorelist (is not an infobox that contains relevant properties)

Show top 20 | top 100 | all templates

occurrences template (with link to property statistics) num properties mapped properties (%) num property occurrences mapped property occurrences (%) num properties not found
19068 Infopolje Oseba
NOTE: the mapping for Infopolje Biografija is redundant!
Edit 125 34.40 16610 94.16 1
7024 Infopolje Vojaška oseba
Edit 49 30.61 35232 80.42 2
6752 Infopolje Naselje na Hrvaškem
Edit 12 0.00 24062 0.00 108
5993 Infopolje Naselje v Sloveniji
Edit 68 13.24 101707 46.98 99
4675 Infopolje Naselje v Srbiji
Edit 13 0.00 18567 0.00 0
4658 Popis-prebivalstva-Srbija
Edit 16 0.00 41967 0.00 0
4657 Odstotkovni grafikon
Edit 7 0.00 18628 0.00 0
4645 Piramidni grafikon
Edit 13 0.00 18574 0.00 0
3853 Infopolje Vojaška enota
Edit 34 67.65 35404 88.35 24
3250 Infopolje Francoska občina
Edit 66 16.67 61332 19.62 11
3136 Infopolje Naselje na Madžarskem
Edit 27 0.00 15680 0.00 0
2112 Taksonomka
Edit 158 0.00 26143 0.00 0
1973 S-polje
Edit 8 0.00 7814 0.00 0
1847 Osebno ime
Edit 6 0.00 2117 0.00 0
1726 Infopolje Hokejist
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Ice Hockey Player is redundant!
Edit 112 24.11 22101 57.64 3
1336 Infopolje Tip zrakoplova
Edit 19 0.00 10700 0.00 0
1283 Infobox U-Boat
Edit 25 0.00 15133 0.00 0
1256 SloBio
Edit 4 0.00 5009 0.00 0
1253 Infopolje Naselje v Črni gori
Edit 31 0.00 2590 0.00 0
1241 Infopolje Dirka za VN
Edit 98 23.47 35459 77.07 3
1129 Infopolje Nogometaš
Edit 389 2.31 46393 4.60 3
1098 Poročilo dirke F1
Edit 7 0.00 6506 0.00 0
1020 Infopolje Dirkač F1
Edit 112 0.00 12547 0.00 0
1015 Infopolje Znanstvenik
Edit 71 22.54 7015 80.63 1
1004 Infopolje Glasbeni ustvarjalec
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Musical artist is redundant!
Edit 59 1.69 8111 2.59 12
982 Infopolje Knjiga
Edit 33 63.64 10694 76.68 1
744 Infopolje Album
Edit 26 11.54 8973 24.65 0
738 Infopolje Planet
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Planet is redundant!
Edit 96 21.88 16757 29.28 4
720 S-ttl
Edit 49 0.00 1425 0.00 0
703 Infopolje Naselje
Edit 435 17.24 24009 51.84 33
672 Specifikacije letala
Edit 120 0.00 22722 0.00 0
622 Infopolje Župnija RKC
Edit 15 0.00 2641 0.00 0
621 Geografski položaj
Edit 26 0.00 4194 0.00 0
613 Infopolje Reka
Edit 25 68.00 4032 50.22 46
583 Infopolje Podjetje
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Company is redundant!
Edit 54 27.78 6255 64.67 0
533 Track listing
Edit 857 0.00 16892 0.00 0
472 Tortni diagram
Edit 99 0.00 7303 0.00 0
459 Poročilo dirke EP
Edit 8 0.00 3068 0.00 0
455 Infopolje Teniški turnir
Edit 18 0.00 945 0.00 0
425 8TeamBracket-Tennis5
Edit 103 0.00 32014 0.00 0
424 Infopolje Vladar
Edit 29 55.17 4544 70.47 0
418 Citat
Edit 68 0.00 862 0.00 0
414 Infopolje Kemična snov
Edit 67 0.00 2225 0.00 0
365 Infopolje Vojna ladja
Edit 26 0.00 6733 0.00 26
359 Infopolje Kommune
Edit 26 15.38 8542 16.81 104
346 Infopolje Bolezen
Edit 21 28.57 2315 57.45 0
342 Infopolje Film
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Film is redundant!
Edit 4 50.00 826 81.23 19
338 SBL
Edit 1 0.00 334 0.00 0
334 Infopolje Komet
Edit 19 0.00 3900 0.00 0
320 Infopolje Zgodovinska znamenitost
Edit 119 0.00 5449 0.00 0
317 Infopolje Vojaški spopad
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Military Conflict is redundant!
Edit 22 77.27 3738 88.10 1
310 Infopolje Glasbeni singl
Edit 27 59.26 3836 86.42 0
302 8TeamBracket-Tennis3
Edit 75 0.00 17488 0.00 0
288 Hockeybox2
Edit 15 0.00 2130 0.00 0
288 Infopolje Cerkev
NOTE: the mapping for Infopolje cerkev is redundant!
Edit 104 38.46 5535 59.62 1
285 MathWorld
Edit 6 0.00 577 0.00 0
278 Infopolje Pisec
Edit 27 44.44 2022 54.30 11
273 16TeamBracket-Compact-Tennis5
Edit 214 0.00 50365 0.00 0
261 Rail line
Edit 4 0.00 1044 0.00 0
255 Infopolje Funkcionar
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox President is redundant!
Edit 1410 0.78 3344 40.97 0
255 Infopolje Tenisač
NOTE: the mapping for Infopolje Teniski Igralec is redundant!
Edit 120 9.17 4670 21.52 2
251 Infopolje Verski vodja
Edit 75 0.00 4826 0.00 0
250 16TeamBracket-Compact-Tennis3
Edit 154 0.00 34455 0.00 0
247 Ocene albuma
Edit 105 0.00 443 0.00 0
245 Infopolje Orožje
Edit 63 14.29 4395 31.51 0
241 Dlib
Edit 4 0.00 32 0.00 0
237 Aircraft specs
Edit 209 0.00 5099 0.00 0
223 Poročilo dirke MotoGP
Edit 6 0.00 1337 0.00 0
222 Infobox Ship Characteristics
Edit 44 25.00 1688 28.14 0
212 Infopolje Bivša država
Edit 265 3.77 5879 19.71 0
212 Infopolje Filozof
Edit 37 32.43 1891 97.51 0
202 Infopolje Dirkalnik
Edit 35 0.00 4814 0.00 0
201 Občina v Sloveniji
Edit 19 0.00 3244 0.00 0
200 16TeamBracket-Compact-Tennis5-Byes
Edit 116 0.00 14780 0.00 0
200 Infobox Ship Career
Edit 44 0.00 1468 0.00 0
191 16TeamBracket-Compact-Tennis3-Byes
Edit 84 0.00 10040 0.00 0
184 Infopolje Mineral
Edit 63 0.00 4416 0.00 0
183 Infopolje Država
Edit 161 24.22 9422 41.45 2
183 Infopolje Nogometni klub
Edit 65 32.31 4766 37.96 1
182 Infopolje Zgradba
Edit 137 0.00 3105 0.00 0
176 Infopolje Učinkovina
Edit 57 0.00 3325 0.00 0
173 Infopolje Jezik
Edit 241 21.58 3457 36.13 2
172 Infopolje RKD
Edit 92 0.00 2888 0.00 0
163 Lektura
Edit 4 0.00 108 0.00 0
158 Infopolje Cesta
Edit 46 0.00 1060 0.00 6
149 Infopolje Železniška postaja
Edit 103 0.00 1540 0.00 0
146 Navpolje stolpci
Edit 240 0.00 884 0.00 0
140 Infopolje Občina v Italiji
Edit 105 33.33 3485 80.77 2
140 Infopolje TV-serija
Edit 21 42.86 1360 78.97 2
118 Infopolje Smučar
Edit 33 0.00 1280 0.00 0
117 Infopolje Škofija RKC
Edit 14 0.00 817 0.00 0
116 Infopolje Svetnik
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Saint is redundant!
Edit 20 0.00 1196 0.00 3
113 Infopolje Jezero
Edit 31 61.29 1167 82.86 0
111 Infopolje Naselje v Avstriji
Edit 86 34.88 1968 57.22 2
110 Infopolje Igralec snookerja
Edit 21 42.86 619 69.47 0
102 ITIS
Edit 5 0.00 208 0.00 0
98 Mapping of Infobox World Heritage Site must be renamed to Infopolje Kraj svetovne dediščine Edit 36 0.00 924 0.00 0
98 Infopolje Programje
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Software is redundant!
Edit 38 23.68 1000 51.80 6
95 Infopolje Francoski departma
Edit 14 0.00 1322 0.00 0
95 Osebni podatki
Edit 7 0.00 415 0.00 0
93 Infopolje Igralec baseballa
Edit 104 0.00 1769 0.00 0
92 Quote box
Edit 20 0.00 349 0.00 0
91 Infopolje Letališče
Edit 120 11.67 1315 43.65 0
90 Infopolje Gora
Edit 32 0.00 684 0.00 21
89 Football squad player
Edit 4 0.00 321 0.00 0
88 DavisCupbox
Edit 16 0.00 702 0.00 0
88 Infobox Olympic event
Edit 34 0.00 726 0.00 0
88 Mapping of Infopolje Britanska kraljevska oseba must be renamed to Infopolje Kraljevska oseba Edit 114 0.00 1032 0.00 0
83 Dirke Le Mansa
Edit 3 0.00 249 0.00 0
82 Infopolje Umetnik
Edit 44 31.82 575 84.70 40
81 Classical Fighter
Edit 27 0.00 1678 0.00 0
77 Infopolje Stadion
Edit 31 58.06 746 69.30 14
77 Infopolje Univerza
Edit 99 35.35 1045 69.76 1
77 Infopolje Videoigra
Edit 44 50.00 916 84.93 1
76 Baseballstats
Edit 7 0.00 353 0.00 0
73 Gora
Edit 10 0.00 368 0.00 0
73 Infopolje Anatomija
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox Anatomy is redundant!
Edit 17 58.82 372 71.24 5
72 Rank
Edit 3 0.00 215 0.00 0
69 Infopolje Upravna enota Rusije
Edit 43 0.00 2003 0.00 0
65 Zh
Edit 19 0.00 119 0.00 0
64 Infopolje Galaksija
Edit 16 0.00 611 0.00 0
64 Infopolje Košarkar
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox NBA Player is redundant!
Edit 235 0.43 1571 0.57 14
64 Infopolje Starodavno najdišče
Edit 88 0.00 1347 0.00 0
63 Infopolje Avtobusna linija
Edit 19 0.00 897 0.00 0
63 Infopolje Pasma psov
Edit 37 0.00 1196 0.00 0
61 Dirke Indy 500
Edit 6 0.00 360 0.00 0
61 Sezona F1
Edit 3 0.00 183 0.00 0
60 2TeamBracket-Compact-Tennis5
Edit 15 0.00 478 0.00 0
60 Infopolje Hokejski klub
Edit 70 12.86 547 66.00 0
57 Infopolje Most
Edit 63 0.00 830 0.00 0
56 Infopolje olimpijske igre
Edit 18 0.00 645 0.00 0
56 Poročilo dirke SP športnih dirkalnikov
Edit 6 0.00 329 0.00 0
55 Geobox
Edit 2214 0.00 1859 0.00 0
54 Infopolje Škof
Edit 19 42.11 641 56.79 0
52 Infopolje Operacijski sistem
Edit 52 21.15 688 55.81 0
51 DCWorld
Edit 112 0.00 2694 0.00 0
51 Footballbox
Edit 11 0.00 419 0.00 0
51 Infopolje ozvezdje
Edit 30 0.00 1269 0.00 0
51 YouTube
Edit 12 0.00 26 0.00 0
49 Infopolje Zvezna država ZDA
Edit 29 0.00 1303 0.00 0
46 411vm
Edit 3 0.00 101 0.00 0
46 Mikomorfopolje
Edit 14 0.00 378 0.00 0
44 Infopolje Božanstvo
Edit 30 0.00 334 0.00 0
44 Poslušaj
Edit 58 0.00 169 0.00 0
44 S-vac
Edit 8 0.00 20 0.00 0
41 4TeamBracket-info
Edit 25 0.00 574 0.00 0
41 Infopolje Glasbena zvrst
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox glasbena zvrst is redundant!
Edit 21 28.57 370 46.49 0
40 Cyrillic alphabet navbox
Edit 2 0.00 40 0.00 0
40 Infopolje Politik
Edit 39 51.28 275 93.45 19
40 Military navigation
Edit 109 0.00 220 0.00 0
39 Infobox Individual Snooker Tournament
Edit 16 0.00 483 0.00 0
39 Infopolje Poročilo dirke MotoGP
Edit 47 31.91 1749 33.33 0
39 VN Formule 1
Edit 24 0.00 793 0.00 0
38 8TeamBracket-Tennis5-Byes
Edit 59 0.00 1330 0.00 0
38 FishBase species
Edit 2 0.00 72 0.00 0
38 Infopolje Spletišče
Edit 36 13.89 371 45.28 0
38 Infopolje naboj strelnega orožja
Edit 107 0.00 553 0.00 0
38 Sportscar season
Edit 4 0.00 152 0.00 0
37 8TeamBracket-Tennis3-Byes
Edit 43 0.00 1080 0.00 0
36 IUCN2006
Edit 3 0.00 104 0.00 0
36 Sezona Velikih nagrad
Edit 3 0.00 108 0.00 0
35 External media
Edit 66 0.00 96 0.00 0
35 Hockey Team
Edit 59 0.00 334 0.00 0
35 Infobox Province TR
Edit 16 37.50 226 53.98 9
35 Infopolje Mednarodno nogometno tekmovanje
Edit 42 9.52 768 13.67 0
35 Infopolje Vojaška zgradba
Edit 23 30.43 297 34.34 2
35 Nekdanje moštvo Formule 1
Edit 17 0.00 512 0.00 0
34 8TeamBracket-Tennis3-v2
Edit 75 0.00 2117 0.00 0
34 Infopolje Zavarovano območje
Edit 65 0.00 477 0.00 0
34 Pistol
Edit 16 0.00 420 0.00 0
33 Infopolje Delec
Edit 50 0.00 375 0.00 0
33 Infopolje Mednarodno hokejsko tekmovanje
Edit 32 0.00 364 0.00 0
33 Mapping of Infobox Railway must be renamed to Infopolje Železniška proga Edit 20 0.00 303 0.00 0
32 8TeamBracket-info
Edit 55 0.00 666 0.00 0
32 Infopolje Etnična skupina
Edit 109 16.51 271 45.39 1
32 Infopolje Sezona hokejskega kluba
Edit 38 0.00 535 0.00 0
32 Infopolje Švicarsko mesto
Edit 19 0.00 532 0.00 0
31 Navpolja
Edit 5 0.00 9 0.00 0
30 Grand Slam Zmage
Edit 2 0.00 60 0.00 0
30 Infopolje Šahist
Edit 14 42.86 166 55.42 4
30 Nasledstvo1
Edit 4 0.00 114 0.00 0
30 Označba slike
Edit 4 0.00 75 0.00 0
29 32TeamBracket-Compact-info
Edit 214 0.00 2123 0.00 0
29 HP character
Edit 15 0.00 145 0.00 0
29 Hranilna vrednost
Edit 53 0.00 583 0.00 0
29 Infopolje Politična stranka
Edit 163 0.00 383 0.00 0
29 Pro hockey team
Edit 56 0.00 303 0.00 0
28 Infopolje Papež2
Edit 63 0.00 507 0.00 0
28 Infopolje Vesoljska odprava
Edit 66 45.45 533 67.35 14
28 Infopolje Šola
Edit 323 8.05 254 79.13 0
28 Poslušanja predmet
Edit 3 0.00 71 0.00 0
27 Infopolje Jezikovna družina
Edit 59 0.00 299 0.00 0
27 Infopolje Nagrada
Edit 13 15.38 134 34.33 0
27 Infopolje frazione
Edit 38 0.00 440 0.00 0
26 Infopolje Hotel
Edit 19 47.37 216 66.20 0
26 Infopolje Športna liga
Edit 25 56.00 207 63.77 0
26 S-inc
Edit 4 0.00 8 0.00 0
25 Infopolje Otoki
Edit 360 12.50 394 32.99 0
25 Infopolje Revija
Edit 26 26.92 255 41.96 0
25 Nat fs player
Edit 7 0.00 144 0.00 0
24 8TeamBracket
Edit 47 0.00 788 0.00 0
24 Infopolje Hokejist na travi
Edit 126 0.00 326 0.00 0
24 Infopolje Spomenik
Edit 48 0.00 239 0.00 0
23 Infopolje Hidroelektrarna
Edit 15 13.33 243 18.93 9
23 Infopolje Oborožene sile
Edit 42 0.00 459 0.00 0
23 Infopolje Župnija
Edit 34 8.82 231 19.91 1
22 Infopolje Ekumenski koncil
Edit 11 0.00 159 0.00 0
22 Infopolje Francoska regija
Edit 13 0.00 259 0.00 0
22 Infopolje Tank
Edit 64 0.00 530 0.00 0
22 Smučarske skakalnice
Edit 12 0.00 137 0.00 0
21 Infopolje Pesem Evrovizije
Edit 17 0.00 140 0.00 0
21 Navboxes colour
Edit 7 0.00 78 0.00 0
21 Weather box
Edit 357 0.00 1621 0.00 0
20 Infobox Ship Class Overview
Edit 20 0.00 158 0.00 0
20 Infopolje Element
Edit 265 0.00 1105 0.00 0
20 Infopolje Rokometni klub
Edit 33 0.00 269 0.00 0
20 Infopolje TV-kanal
Edit 325 6.77 87 100.00 13
20 S-non
Edit 3 0.00 6 0.00 0
20 Skrito začetek
Edit 9 0.00 4 0.00 0
19 4TeamBracket
Edit 20 0.00 261 0.00 0
19 4TeamBracket-Tennis3-v2
Edit 33 0.00 490 0.00 0
19 Football squad
Edit 7 0.00 10 0.00 0
19 Image label begin
Edit 2 0.00 4 0.00 0
19 Infopolje Barva
Edit 55 29.09 271 83.76 0
19 Mapping of Infobox Cyclist must be renamed to Infopolje Kolesar Edit 142 0.00 210 0.00 0
19 Infopolje Vohun
Edit 60 0.00 119 0.00 0
19 Infopolje ZN
NOTE: the mapping for Infobox UN is redundant!
Edit 15 40.00 163 49.69 1
19 Kazenski streli
Edit 4 0.00 48 0.00 0
18 Basketballbox
Edit 29 0.00 215 0.00 0
18 Coin image box 8 singles
Edit 33 0.00 349 0.00 0
18 Date series header
Edit 10 0.00 142 0.00 0
18 Infobox Fylke
Edit 21 0.00 372 0.00 0
18 Infopolje Nogometna reprezentanca
Edit 29 0.00 473 0.00 0
18 Infopolje Televizija
Edit 7 71.43 53 84.91 2
18 Infopolje jama
Edit 78 0.00 279 0.00 0
18 Infoškatla Madžarska županija
Edit 8 0.00 136 0.00 0
18 Sezona F3000
Edit 3 0.00 54 0.00 0
18 Skrito
Edit 12 0.00 24 0.00 0
18 Zvezda
Edit 65 0.00 269 0.00 0
17 Image label small
Edit 4 0.00 18 0.00 0
17 Infopolje Alpsko Smučanje
Edit 55 0.00 319 0.00 0
17 Infopolje Država na Pesmi Evrovizije
Edit 22 0.00 151 0.00 0
17 Infopolje graf
Edit 18 5.56 131 12.21 0
17 Infopolje rokometna reprezentanca
Edit 33 3.03 338 4.73 0
17 Infopolje športna sezona
Edit 86 0.00 239 0.00 0
16 Assault Gun
Edit 20 0.00 209 0.00 0
16 Infopolje Cerkveni dokument
Edit 24 0.00 272 0.00 0
16 Mapping of Infobox character must be renamed to Infopolje Izmišljena oseba Edit 71 0.00 198 0.00 0
16 Infopolje Letalski prevoznik
Edit 37 0.00 282 0.00 0
16 Infopolje Park
Edit 73 0.00 213 0.00 0
16 Sezona dirkaške serije
Edit 5 0.00 62 0.00 0
16 Tisočletje
Edit 3 0.00 48 0.00 0
15 Infopolje Meteorski roj
Edit 16 0.00 114 0.00 0
15 Infopolje Novela
Edit 16 81.25 119 93.28 1
15 Infopolje Predor
Edit 50 0.00 173 0.00 0
15 Infopolje Rodbina
Edit 18 0.00 102 0.00 0
15 Infopolje Zrakoplov - glava
Edit 4 0.00 21 0.00 0
15 Infopolje meglica
Edit 28 0.00 149 0.00 0
15 Internet Archive kratki film
Edit 1 0.00 14 0.00 0
15 Stanley Cup champion
Edit 10 0.00 99 0.00 0
14 Infobox MLB
Edit 37 0.00 369 0.00 0
14 Infobox information appliance
Edit 81 0.00 176 0.00 0
14 Infopolje Lokomotiva
Edit 120 22.50 181 39.78 0
14 Infopolje Militantna organizacija
Edit 15 0.00 65 0.00 0
14 Infopolje Pogodba
Edit 22 0.00 115 0.00 0
14 Infopolje Vladna agencija
Edit 106 0.00 189 0.00 0
14 Navedi arXiv
Edit 136 0.00 144 0.00 0
14 Navedi dokument
Edit 169 0.00 90 0.00 0
14 Unit
Edit 2 0.00 26 0.00 0
13 Infopolje Alkohol
Edit 17 0.00 100 0.00 0
13 Infopolje Boksar
Edit 26 38.46 154 41.56 0
13 Infopolje Digitalni fotoaparat
Edit 28 0.00 261 0.00 0
13 Infopolje Reaktivni lovec
Edit 30 0.00 340 0.00 0
13 Mapping of Infopolje slika must be renamed to Infopolje Slika Edit 17 0.00 108 0.00 0
13 Infopolje Škofija
Edit 59 0.00 165 0.00 0
12 32TeamBracket-snooker
Edit 196 0.00 2014 0.00 0
12 Infopolje Organizacija javne uprave
Edit 26 0.00 133 0.00 0
12 Infopolje Provinca ali ozemlje Kanade
Edit 44 20.45 460 23.48 4
12 Location map marker
Edit 6 0.00 45 0.00 0
12 Taxobox begin
Edit 2 0.00 24 0.00 0
12 Televizijska epizoda
Edit 15 80.00 133 90.98 0
11 4TeamBracket-Tennis5
Edit 45 0.00 326 0.00 0
11 Infopolje Kost
Edit 29 0.00 63 0.00 0
11 Infopolje Mestna občina Slovenije
Edit 18 0.00 192 0.00 0
11 Infopolje gorovje
Edit 195 0.00 293 0.00 0
11 S-tul
Edit 7 0.00 20 0.00 0
11 Su
Edit 5 0.00 6 0.00 0
Edit 7 0.00 62 0.00 0
10 Infopolje Encim
Edit 7 0.00 38 0.00 0
10 Infopolje Finale Stanleyjevega pokala
Edit 50 0.00 203 0.00 0
10 Infopolje Prenosni telefon
Edit 63 0.00 160 0.00 0
10 Infopolje Super Model
Edit 15 0.00 77 0.00 0
Edit 3 0.00 30 0.00 0
10 Wayback
Edit 2 0.00 17 0.00 0
9 Bar box
Edit 11 0.00 37 0.00 0
Edit 3 0.00 27 0.00 0
9 Elementbox footer
Edit 2 0.00 18 0.00 0
9 Elementbox header
Edit 9 0.00 77 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Algoritem
Edit 9 0.00 65 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Borilna veščina
Edit 19 52.63 89 60.67 0
9 Infopolje Dežela iz Tolkienove mitologije
Edit 24 0.00 56 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Glasbilo
Edit 11 72.73 39 84.62 2
9 Infopolje Interval
Edit 9 0.00 81 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Konj
Edit 14 21.43 39 33.33 0
9 Infopolje Kraljeva hiša
Edit 13 0.00 96 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Mesto TR
Edit 32 71.88 176 76.14 0
9 Infopolje Motociklistični dirkač
Edit 203 0.00 134 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Praznik
Edit 20 0.00 110 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Programski jezik
Edit 43 0.00 87 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Rokometaš
Edit 392 0.00 169 0.00 0
9 Infopolje Valuta
Edit 93 4.30 123 16.26 0
9 Stranski okvirček
Edit 10 0.00 4 0.00 0
8 8TeamBracket-with third
Edit 54 0.00 236 0.00 0
8 Assault Helicopter
Edit 33 0.00 184 0.00 0
8 Elementbox groupperiodblock
Edit 3 0.00 24 0.00 0
8 Elementbox section atomicprop
Edit 2 0.00 16 0.00 0
8 Elementbox section miscellaneous
Edit 2 0.00 16 0.00 0
8 Elementbox section physicalprop
Edit 2 0.00 16 0.00 0
8 Infopolje Arheološka kultura
Edit 17 0.00 55 0.00 0
8 Infopolje Različica OS
Edit 28 0.00 104 0.00 0
8 Infopolje Teolog
Edit 38 0.00 58 0.00 0
8 Infopolje Zgodovinska pokrajina
Edit 173 0.00 117 0.00 0
8 Infopolje celina
Edit 14 0.00 58 0.00 0
8 Infopolje radijska postaja
Edit 58 0.00 30 0.00 0
8 Mariner program
Edit 2 0.00 16 0.00 0
8 Parafiletska skupina
Edit 117 0.00 59 0.00 0
8 Sniper Rifle
Edit 23 0.00 133 0.00 0
8 Val
Edit 18 0.00 2 0.00 0
8 Videoposnetki predmet
Edit 3 0.00 21 0.00 0
7 4TeamBracket-Consolation
Edit 27 0.00 122 0.00 0
7 4TeamBracket-Tennis3
Edit 33 0.00 172 0.00 0
7 Bomber Plane
Edit 23 0.00 153 0.00 0
7 Cquote2
Edit 12 0.00 7 0.00 0
7 EB1911
Edit 38 0.00 12 0.00 0
7 Elementbox isotopes begin
Edit 3 0.00 20 0.00 0
7 Elementbox meltingpoint
Edit 3 0.00 21 0.00 0
7 IUCN2007
Edit 3 0.00 18 0.00 0
7 Infopolje Južnoafriški kraj
Edit 87 0.00 76 0.00 0
7 Infopolje Koncertna turneja
Edit 14 0.00 69 0.00 0
7 Infopolje Objektiv
Edit 32 0.00 144 0.00 0
7 Infopolje Okraj v Avstriji
Edit 14 0.00 30 0.00 0
7 Infopolje Plavalec
Edit 24 25.00 27 59.26 8
7 Infopolje Raketa
Edit 154 0.00 122 0.00 0
7 Največja mesta
Edit 71 0.00 386 0.00 0
7 Navedi epizodo
Edit 205 0.00 33 0.00 0
7 Sklicop
Edit 3 0.00 2 0.00 0
6 32TeamBracket-Compact
Edit 191 0.00 958 0.00 0
6 Britanski kralji
Edit 4 0.00 18 0.00 0
6 Elementbox boilingpoint
Edit 3 0.00 18 0.00 0
6 FishBase genus
Edit 2 0.00 12 0.00 0
6 Infobox Canton
Edit 21 47.62 120 50.00 2
6 Infobox Ice Hockey Award/noimage
Edit 4 0.00 24 0.00 0
6 Infobox tv
Edit 11 54.55 61 57.38 0
6 Infopolje Astronavt
Edit 46 0.00 52 0.00 0
6 Infopolje Knjižnica
Edit 33 0.00 46 0.00 0
6 Infopolje Mesto DE
Edit 24 66.67 110 78.18 1
6 Infopolje Predkolumbovsko najdišče
Edit 75 0.00 122 0.00 0
6 Infopolje Sezona nogometne lige
Edit 35 2.86 57 8.77 0
6 Infopolje Spojina
Edit 26 30.77 48 47.92 0
6 Infopolje Tramvajska linija
Edit 22 0.00 80 0.00 0
6 Infopolje Volitve
Edit 427 0.00 121 0.00 0
6 Mapping of Infopolje časopis must be renamed to Infopolje Časopis Edit 44 0.00 42 0.00 0
Edit 3 0.00 18 0.00 0
6 Prihodnji športni dogodek
Edit 3 0.00 8 0.00 0
6 Rokometni rezultat
Edit 43 0.00 74 0.00 0
6 Structurae
Edit 4 0.00 5 0.00 0
6 Video
Edit 4 0.00 15 0.00 0
5 3RoundBracket-Byes
Edit 47 0.00 56 0.00 0
5 6TeamBracket
Edit 35 0.00 92 0.00 0
5 8TeamBracket-IIHF World Championship
Edit 52 0.00 160 0.00 0
5 Aircontent
Edit 5 0.00 6 0.00 0
5 Allmusic
Edit 6 0.00 7 0.00 0
5 Football kit
Edit 4 0.00 12 0.00 0
5 IIHFbox
Edit 9 0.00 27 0.00 0
5 IUCN2008
Edit 3 0.00 12 0.00 0
5 Infobox UNSecGen
Edit 9 0.00 43 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Argentinska provinca
Edit 15 80.00 74 79.73 1
5 Infopolje Avtomobil
Edit 25 0.00 49 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Hieroglifi
Edit 215 0.00 23 0.00 0
5 Infopolje IRC-omrežje
Edit 25 4.00 45 11.11 0
5 Infopolje Lik iz Tolkienove mitologije
Edit 14 64.29 34 73.53 1
5 Infopolje Melodifestivalen
Edit 17 0.00 27 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Pivo
Edit 11 54.55 24 79.17 0
5 Infopolje Planetarna meglica
Edit 16 0.00 50 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Potres
Edit 7 0.00 25 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Rodbina2
Edit 18 0.00 39 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Rokometna liga
Edit 9 0.00 27 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Telovadec
Edit 81 0.00 23 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Tramvajski promet
Edit 15 0.00 38 0.00 0
5 Infopolje Vozel
Edit 16 0.00 34 0.00 0
5 Infopolje jata galaksij
Edit 21 0.00 26 0.00 0
5 Infopolje letalska nesreča
Edit 108 0.00 76 0.00 0
5 Internet Archive film
Edit 1 0.00 3 0.00 0
5 NHL Team
Edit 21 0.00 77 0.00 0
5 NRDB species
Edit 3 0.00 2 0.00 0
5 Nasledstvo
Edit 4 0.00 3 0.00 0
5 Navedi EB1911
Edit 36 0.00 2 0.00 0
5 Ocene videoigre
Edit 105 0.00 40 0.00 0
5 Polje za glavno stran
Edit 9 0.00 22 0.00 0
5 Skupina učinkovin
Edit 14 0.00 23 0.00 0
5 Submachine Gun
Edit 15 0.00 74 0.00 0
5 Taxobox section binomial botany
Edit 3 0.00 11 0.00 0
5 World Snooker Championship Rounds/3
Edit 48 0.00 161 0.00 0
4 16TeamBracket-Compact-NoSeeds-Byes
Edit 101 0.00 149 0.00 0
4 16TeamBracket-Compact-with 3rd
Edit 101 0.00 240 0.00 0
4 32TeamX4RoundBracket
Edit 388 0.00 1040 0.00 0
4 32TeamX4RoundBracket-NoSeeds
Edit 260 0.00 1025 0.00 0
4 4TeamBracket-Compact-Tennis3
Edit 32 0.00 96 0.00 0
4 4TeamBracket-snooker
Edit 35 0.00 88 0.00 0
4 Bioslika
Edit 3 0.00 2 0.00 0
Edit 3 0.00 12 0.00 0
4 Elementbox isotopes decay
Edit 8 0.00 32 0.00 0
4 Elementbox isotopes decay2
Edit 12 0.00 48 0.00 0
Edit 39 0.00 18 0.00 0
4 Infobox SFRJ
Edit 45 4.44 80 7.50 39
4 Infopolje Arterija
Edit 27 0.00 29 0.00 0
4 Infopolje Erotična igralka
Edit 73 6.85 20 70.00 8
4 Infopolje Mitraljez
Edit 25 0.00 74 0.00 0
4 Infopolje Mišica
Edit 34 0.00 34 0.00 0
4 Infopolje NRHP
Edit 118 0.00 43 0.00 0
4 Infopolje Nogometni sodnik
Edit 85 0.00 22 0.00 0
4 Infopolje Poljska
Edit 21 0.00 69 0.00 41
4 Infopolje Protein
Edit 21 71.43 26 100.00 3
4 Infopolje Svetovni pokal v zimskih športih
Edit 33 0.00 59 0.00 0
4 Infopolje kroglasta zvezdna kopica
Edit 21 0.00 27 0.00 0
4 Infopolje šport
Edit 23 0.00 33 0.00 0
4 NHLPlayoffs
Edit 140 0.00 19 0.00 0
4 Navedi poročilo
Edit 197 0.00 25 0.00 0
4 Ribbon devices
Edit 5 0.00 16 0.00 0
4 Seznam epizod
Edit 19 0.00 22 0.00 0
4 Sezona GP2
Edit 3 0.00 12 0.00 0
4 Tabela
Edit 104 0.00 15 0.00 0
4 Wikisklic
Edit 3 0.00 4 0.00 0
3 4TeamBracket-Tennis35
Edit 37 0.00 82 0.00 0
3 6TeamBracket-with 3rd
Edit 42 0.00 81 0.00 0
3 Anotirana slika 4
Edit 21 0.00 5 0.00 0
3 Cnote2 Begin
Edit 3 0.00 2 0.00 0
3 Elementbox isotopes stable
Edit 4 0.00 12 0.00 0
3 Incumbent succession box
Edit 5 0.00 9 0.00 0
3 Infobox Ice Hockey Award
Edit 6 0.00 12 0.00 2
3 Infobox Ship Image
Edit 2 0.00 6 0.00 26
3 Infobox UK place
Edit 151 45.03 41 56.10 11
3 Infopolje Avtonomna pokrajina
Edit 28 0.00 50 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Diagnostika
Edit 18 0.00 2 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Izbor Pesem Evrovizije
Edit 17 0.00 14 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Kraj svetovne dediščine - predlog
Edit 32 0.00 20 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Kultivar
Edit 10 0.00 16 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Lik iz Zvezdnih vrat
Edit 12 0.00 30 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Mednarodno košarkaško tekmovanje
Edit 45 0.00 54 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Mednarodno zimsko tekmovanje
Edit 23 0.00 42 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Naslavljanje kardinalov
Edit 5 0.00 10 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Nevladna organizacija
Edit 27 0.00 25 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Samostan
Edit 21 0.00 19 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Sistem pisave
Edit 44 0.00 12 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Tekma na Olimpijskih igrah
Edit 46 0.00 13 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Uradnik Kabineta ZDA
Edit 41 70.73 20 100.00 0
3 Mapping of Infobox Military Award must be renamed to Infopolje Vojaško priznanje Edit 25 0.00 34 0.00 0
3 Infopolje zvezdna kopica
Edit 20 0.00 21 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Šolsko letalo
Edit 20 0.00 47 0.00 0
3 Infopolje Švedska pokrajina
Edit 8 0.00 20 0.00 0
3 Internetquelle
Edit 20 0.00 12 0.00 0
3 Link-interwiki
Edit 4 0.00 7 0.00 0
3 Navedi intervju
Edit 226 0.00 19 0.00 0
3 Navedi patent
Edit 60 0.00 10 0.00 0
3 Quote box2ccc
Edit 3 0.00 8 0.00 0
3 Taxobox section binomial
Edit 4 0.00 12 0.00 0
3 Taxobox section binomial parens
Edit 4 0.00 12 0.00 0
2 16Team-2Round-Compact
Edit 90 0.00 72 0.00 0
2 2TeamBracket
Edit 7 0.00 10 0.00 0
2 32TeamBracket
Edit 195 0.00 110 0.00 0
2 Barlabel
Edit 40 0.00 3 0.00 0
2 Bo
Edit 6 0.00 2 0.00 0
2 Chembox Hazards
Edit 21 0.00 13 0.00 0
2 Chembox Identifiers
Edit 29 0.00 11 0.00 0
2 Chembox Properties
Edit 183 0.00 21 0.00 0
2 Fast Assault Boat
Edit 16 0.00 29 0.00 0
2 Football kit box
Edit 5 0.00 4 0.00 0
2 Geografija države
Edit 22 0.00 14 0.00 0
2 HTML element
Edit 6 0.00 4 0.00 0
2 Handgun
Edit 16 0.00 29 0.00 0
2 IUCN2010
Edit 4 0.00 4 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Finale Hokejske lige Erste Bank
Edit 50 28.00 34 32.35 0
2 Infopolje Himna
Edit 19 0.00 15 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Japonska prefektura
Edit 27 14.81 44 18.18 104
2 Infopolje Kastrum
Edit 94 0.00 29 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Manga/Anime
Edit 18 0.00 17 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Otoki/peskovnik
Edit 360 0.00 16 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Pasma mačke
Edit 18 0.00 23 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Pisava
Edit 17 0.00 7 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Planetni sestav
Edit 33 0.00 27 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Pravo Evropske unije
Edit 20 0.00 12 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Ptica
Edit 11 0.00 3 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Regija iz Tolkienove mitologije
Edit 15 0.00 6 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Sportne zveze
Edit 59 0.00 13 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Telenovela
Edit 17 0.00 25 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Tipi podrazdelitev
Edit 67 0.00 9 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Tramvaj
Edit 15 0.00 15 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Turnir golfa
Edit 10 0.00 13 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Vojaški poligon
Edit 18 0.00 11 0.00 0
2 Infopolje Vrhnja domena
Edit 14 0.00 12 0.00 0
2 Infopolje mitološko bitje
Edit 17 0.00 6 0.00 0
2 LondonGazette
Edit 11 0.00 10 0.00 0
2 MedalBox
Edit 4 0.00 2 0.00 0
2 NHLTeamSeason
Edit 34 0.00 43 0.00 0
2 Navedi disertacijo
Edit 174 0.00 6 0.00 0
2 Navedi zaznamke iz AV medija
Edit 198 0.00 9 0.00 0
2 Okvirslike
Edit 7 0.00 2 0.00 0
2 Perzijski kralji
Edit 4 0.00 6 0.00 0
2 Prebivalstvena piramida
Edit 37 0.00 36 0.00 0
2 Prebivalstvo
Edit 47 0.00 33 0.00 0
2 SNFL team
Edit 22 0.00 22 0.00 0
2 Supranational European Bodies
Edit 3 0.00 2 0.00 0
2 Članek s slikami in infopoljem ob strani
Edit 4 0.00 2 0.00 0
1 16TeamBracket
Edit 97 0.00 55 0.00 0
1 32TeamX3RoundBracket
Edit 195 0.00 195 0.00 0
1 48TeamBracket-snooker
Edit 293 0.00 265 0.00 0
1 8TeamBracket-Compact-NoSeeds-Byes
Edit 52 0.00 23 0.00 0
1 Chembox Thermochemistry
Edit 4 0.00 1 0.00 0
1 Difuzna meglica
Edit 13 0.00 10 0.00 0
1 Država ikonazastave2
Edit 5 0.00 1 0.00 0
1 Elementbox isotopes decay3
Edit 16 0.00 16 0.00 0
1 Footballbox35
Edit 14 0.00 9 0.00 0
1 Handball table row
Edit 7 0.00 6 0.00 0
1 Infobox Awards
Edit 14 0.00 6 0.00 0
1 Infobox Football Match
Edit 55 0.00 11 0.00 0
1 Infobox rocket engine
Edit 54 0.00 14 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Državni zbor
Edit 92 0.00 15 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Grška periferija
Edit 9 33.33 9 33.33 1
1 Infopolje Luka
Edit 21 14.29 16 18.75 0
1 Infopolje Motocikel
Edit 37 0.00 9 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Napad na civiliste
Edit 34 0.00 13 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Priimek
Edit 12 0.00 5 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Smučar/peskovnik
Edit 33 0.00 10 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Spominski medij
Edit 19 0.00 8 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Stad
Edit 7 0.00 7 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Vlak
Edit 105 0.00 17 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Voditelj
Edit 28 0.00 9 0.00 0
1 Infopolje Živec
Edit 21 0.00 9 0.00 0
1 Lfpfr
Edit 2 0.00 1 0.00 0
1 London Gazette
Edit 18 0.00 5 0.00 0
1 Lunar crater
Edit 6 0.00 6 0.00 0
1 Mem/start
Edit 2 0.00 1 0.00 0
1 NFL player
Edit 116 0.00 5 0.00 0
1 Nutritional value
Edit 81 0.00 46 0.00 0
1 Strokovne kritike video iger
Edit 103 0.00 15 0.00 0
1 Taxobox section subdivision
Edit 2 0.00 2 0.00 0
1 US Infantry
Edit 2 0.00 2 0.00 0

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