Automobile (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pl): samochód
Label (pt): automovel
Label (nl): automobiel
Label (el): αυτοκίνητο
Label (ko): 자동차
Label (be): аўтамабіль
Label (ur): گاڑی
Label (ga): gluaisteán
Label (fr): automobile
Label (es): automóvil
Label (it): automobile
Label (ru): автомобиль
Label (sl): avtomobil
Label (en): automobile
Label (ja): 自動車
Label (de): Automobil
Super classes: MeanOfTransportationschema:Product

Properties on Automobile:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
assembly (edit) assembly MeanOfTransportation owl:Thing
automobilePlatform (edit) automobile platform Automobile Automobile
bodyStyle (edit) body style Automobile owl:Thing
dischargeAverage (edit) discharge average MeanOfTransportation FlowRate
engine (edit) engine Automobile AutomobileEngine
enginePower (edit) engine power MeanOfTransportation xsd:positiveInteger Power to be expressed in Watts (kiloWatt, megaWatt)
engineType (edit) engine type MeanOfTransportation owl:Thing
fuelCapacity (edit) fuel capacity Automobile Volume
introductionDate (edit) introduction date MeanOfTransportation xsd:date
layout (edit) layout Automobile owl:Thing
modelEndDate (edit) model end date MeanOfTransportation xsd:date
modelEndYear (edit) model end year MeanOfTransportation xsd:gYear
modelLineVehicle (edit) type series MeanOfTransportation xsd:string
modelStartDate (edit) model start date MeanOfTransportation xsd:date
modelStartYear (edit) model start year MeanOfTransportation xsd:gYear
numberOfCrew (edit) number of crew MeanOfTransportation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfDoors (edit) number of doors Automobile xsd:positiveInteger
numberOfLaunches (edit) number of launches MeanOfTransportation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfSeats (edit) number of seats MeanOfTransportation xsd:nonNegativeInteger
powerType (edit) power type MeanOfTransportation owl:Thing
range (edit) range MeanOfTransportation xsd:positiveInteger Maximum distance without refueling
rebuilder (edit) rebuilder MeanOfTransportation owl:Thing
relatedMeanOfTransportation (edit) related mean of transportation MeanOfTransportation MeanOfTransportation
transmission (edit) transmission Automobile xsd:string
version (edit) version MeanOfTransportation owl:Thing
wheelbase (edit) wheelbase Automobile Length