PowerStation (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): Elektriciteitscentrale
Label (el): σταθμός παραγωγής ενέργειας
Label (ur): بجلی گھر
Label (ga): stáisiún cumhachta
Label (fr): centrale électrique
Label (es): central eléctrica
Label (en): power station
Label (ja): 発電所
Label (de): Kraftwerk
Super classes: Infrastructure

Properties on PowerStation:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
averageAnnualGeneration (edit) average annual gross power generation PowerStation Energy
capacityFactor (edit) capacity factor PowerStation xsd:float
caterer (edit) caterer Infrastructure Caterer
fuelTypeName (edit) fuel type PowerStation rdf:langString
generationUnits (edit) generation units PowerStation rdf:langString
iataLocationIdentifier (edit) IATA Location Identifier Infrastructure xsd:string
installedCapacity (edit) installed capacity PowerStation Power
numberOfTracks (edit) number of tracks Infrastructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of tracks of a railway or railway station.
otherFuelType (edit) secondary/other fuel type PowerStation owl:Thing
passengersPerDay (edit) passengers per day Infrastructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of passengers per day.
passengersPerYear (edit) passengers per year Infrastructure xsd:nonNegativeInteger Number of passengers per year.
previousInfrastructure (edit) previous infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
primaryFuelType (edit) primary fuel type PowerStation owl:Thing
road (edit) road Infrastructure Road
subsequentInfrastructure (edit) subsequent infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure